# Sample voice configuration file
# -------------------------------
# $Id: voice.conf-dist.html,v 1.1 1998/05/27 06:47:55 marc Exp $
# This file is read twice: First the program configuration is read and
# second the port configuration. This means that generic values at the
# beginning of the file will override program values on the second read.
# So if you want to make a generic value program dependant, remove it
# from the generic part of the config file.
# Watch out! Some options in this file are not yet implemented or only
# available with some modems.
# Generic default values
# ----------------------
part generic
# Possible log levels are:
# L_WARN 3
# L_MESG 4
# L_JUNK 6
voice_log_level 4
# Primary voice directory for vgetty.
voice_dir /var/spool/voice
# incoming messages are owned by "root.phone" and mode "rw-rw----"
phone_owner root
phone_group phone
phone_mode 0660
# Location of the flag file for new incoming messages relative to the
# primary voice directory.
message_flag_file .flag
# Location where vgetty stores the incoming voice messages relative to
# the primary voice directory.
receive_dir incoming
# Directory containing the messages for vgetty (greeting, handling the
# answering machine) relative to the primary voice directory.
message_dir messages
# Name of the file in MESSAGE_DIR that contains the names of
# the greeting message files (one per line, no white space).
message_list Index
# Filename of a backup greeting message in MESSAGE_DIR (used if
# the random selection fails to find a message).
backup_message standard.rmd
# Default port speed. The bps rate must be high enough for the compression
# mode used. Note that this is an integer, not one of the Bxxxx defines.
# Basically you should select the highest possible speed your modem and
# computer support. The default value is 38400.
port_speed 38400
# Default shell to invoke for shell scripts. Make sure this shell
# understands things like funtions, because the scripts rely on this.
# The default is "/bin/sh"
voice_shell /bin/sh
# Default port timeout in seconds for a read or write operation. The
# default value is 10 seconds.
port_timeout 10
# Default timeout for a dialout in seconds. The default value is 90 seconds.
dial_timeout 90
# Delay before sending a new voice command to the modem in milliseconds.
# The default is 100 milliseconds.
command_delay 100
# Minimum length of detected DTMF tones, in milliseconds. This is
# currently only supported by ZyXel modems with a ROM release of 6.12
# or above. The default is 30 milliseconds.
dtmf_len 30
# DTMF tone detection threshold in percent (0% to 100%). Increase this
# if the modem erroneously detects DTMF tones, decrease it if it fails to
# detect real ones. This is currently only supported by ZyXel modems
# with a ROM release of 6.12 or above. The default is 40%.
dtmf_threshold 40
# Time to wait for a DTMF tone to arrive when recording or waiting
# for DTMF input in seconds. The default is to wait for 7 seconds.
dtmf_wait 7
# In Australia the frequency of the busy signal is the same as the
# frequency of the fax calling tone. This causes problems on at least
# some modems. They report a fax calling tone, when there is a busy
# signal in reality. To help those user, vgetty will ignore any fax
# calling tone detected by the modem, when this option is set.
# The following companys suffer from this problem:
# - Telstra (formerly Telecom Australia)
# - Optus
# - Austel (regulatory authority)
# The default is of course off.
ignore_fax_dle false
# Output recorded voice samples without header and expect raw voice
# data on input for playback. This feature is turned off by default.
# Don't enable it unless you really know, what you are doing!
raw_data false
# This is the default compression mode for vgetty for incoming voice
# messages and for the recording option of vm. The mode 0 is a special
# mode, that will automatically choose a sane default value for every
# modem. The default is 0.
rec_compression 0
# This is the default recording speed for vgetty for incoming voice
# messages and for the recording option of vm. It is the number of samples
# per second. The speed 0 is a special speed, that will automatically
# choose a sane default value for every modem. The default is 0.
rec_speed 0
# Silence detection length in 0.1 seconds. If the modem detects silence
# for this time, it sends a silence detect to the host. Default is
# 7 seconds (70 * 0.1 seconds).
rec_silence_len 70
# Silence detection threshold in percent (0% to 100%). Increase this value
# if you have a noisy phone line and the silence detection doesn't work
# reliably. The default is 40%.
rec_silence_threshold 40
# If REC_REMOVE_SILENCE is enabled, the trailing silence of an incoming
# voice message as detected by the modem will be deleted. This might
# cause you to miss parts of a message if the silence threshold is
# high and the caller is talking very quietly. To be on the safe side,
# don't define this. This feature is turned off by default.
rec_remove_silence false
# Maximum recording length in seconds. Hang up if somebody talks
# longer than this. Default is 5 minutes (300 seconds).
rec_max_len 300
# Minimum recording length in seconds. Some modems can not detect
# data or fax modems, so we use the recording time, to decide,
# what it is. This feature is by default disabled.
rec_min_len 0
# Enable hardware flow in record and playback mode if the modem
# supports it. This option is by default on.
do_hard_flow true
# Frequency for the beep command in Hz. The default is 933Hz.
beep_frequency 933
# Length for the beep command in msec. The default is 1.5 seconds
# (1500 * 0.001 seconds).
beep_length 1500
# Number of tries to open a voice modem device. The default is 3.
max_tries 3
# Delay between two tries to open a voice device in seconds. The default
# is 5 seconds.
retry_delay 5
# Default timeout for the voice watchdog. If this timer expires, the
# running program will be terminated. The default is 60 seconds.
watchdog_timeout 60
# Some modems support setting the receive gain. This value can be set in
# percent (0% to 100%). 0% is off, 100% is maximum. To use the modem
# default value set this to -1. The default is -1.
receive_gain -1
# Some modems support setting the transmit gain. This value can be set in
# percent (0% to 100%). 0% is off, 100% is maximum. To use the modem
# default value set this to -1. The default is -1.
transmit_gain -1
# Usually command echo from the modem should be enabled. Since some modems
# sometimes forget this echo, it is disabled by default. Turning this option
# off makes things more reliable, but bugs are much harder to trace. So
# don't ever think about mailing me a bug report with command echo turned
# off. I will simply ignore it. The default is to disable command echo.
enable_command_echo false
# Time in msec for the delay, when no new data are received from the modem.
# A higher value will decrease machine load by increasing vgettys reaction time.
# The default is 10 msec.
poll_interval 10
# Program specific initializations
# --------------------------------
# Default values for vgetty
# -------------------------
program vgetty
# Default number of rings to wait before picking up the phone.
# Instead of a number, you can also give a file name, that contains
# a single number with the desired number of rings. Vgetty will
# automatically append the name of the modem device to the file name.
# The file name must be an absolut path starting with a leading "/".
# E.g. "rings /etc/rings" and the modem device is ttyS0, will
# lead to the file name "/etc/rings.ttyS0". If this file doesn't
# exist, vgetty will check for a file without the modem device name
# appended. In this example, vgetty would check for /etc/rings.
# Please note, that vgetty forces the number of rings to be at least 2.
# This is, because the caller ID information (if available from your
# provider) is sent between the first and the second ring. Since we don't
# know in advance, if you get CID or not, we stay on the save side.
# The default is 3
rings 3
# Default answer mode when vgetty picks up the phone after incoming
# rings.
# Instead of an answer mode, you can also give a file name, that
# contains a single line with the desired answer mode. Vgetty will
# automatically append the name of the modem device to the file name.
# The file name must be an absolut path starting with a leading "/".
# E.g. "answer_mode /etc/answer" and the modem device is ttyS0, will
# lead to the file name "/etc/answer.ttyS0". If this file doesn't
# exist, vgetty will check for a file without the modem device name
# appended. In this example, vgetty would check for /etc/answer.
# The default is "voice:fax:data".
answer_mode voice:fax:data
# When switching to data or fax mode, always switch to fax mode and
# enable autodetection of data/fax. Some modems report wrong DLE codes
# and so the predetection with DLE codes does not work.
force_autodetect false
# If vgetty knows that there are new messages (the flag file exists),
# it will turn on the AA lamp on an external modem and enable the toll
# saver - it will answer the phone TOLL_SAVER_RINGS earlier than the
# default. This feature is turned off by default.
toll_saver_rings 0
# Should the recorded voice message file be kept even if data, fax or
# DTMF codes were detected? If this is set, vgetty never deletes
# a recording, if it is not set it will delete the recording, if an
# incoming data or fax call is detected or if DTMF codes were send. Also
# this should work in nearly every situation, it makes you loose the
# recording, if the caller "plays" with DTMF codes to make the message
# even more beautiful. This feature is enabled by default.
rec_always_keep true
# The programs defined below get called by vgetty.
# Define an empty program name, if you want to disabled one of those
# programs.
# There are two separate uses for the Data/Voice button on a ZyXEL:
# - If a RING was detected recently, answer the phone with the
# answer mode set for this case.
# - Otherwise, call an external program to play back messages
# If you don't define button_prgogram, vgetty will always pick up
# the phone if Data/Voice is pressed.
# The default value is "".
# Program called when the phone is answered, this is instead
# of the normal behaviour. Don't define this unless you want
# to e.g. set up a voice mailbox where the normal answering
# machine behaviour would be inappropiate. The C code is probably
# more stable and uses less resources.
# The default value is "".
# Program called when a DTMF command in the form '*digits#' is received.
# The argument is the string of digits received (without '*' and '#').
# The default value is "dtmf.sh".
dtmf_program dtmf.sh
# Program called when a voice message has been received.
# The argument is the filename of the recorded message.
# The default value is "".
# Should vgetty use the AA LED on some modems to indicate that new
# messages have arrived? This is done by setting the modem register
# S0 to a value of 255. Some modems have a maximum number of rings
# allowed and autoanswer after this, so they can not use this feature.
# This option is by default off.
do_message_light false
# Default values for vm
# ---------------------
program vm
# Voice devices that vm can use e.g. "voice_devices ttyS0:ttyS1". Since
# I don't know to which ports your modems are connected, the default is ""
# Timeout for a dialout operation in seconds. The default is 90 seconds.
dialout_timeout 90
# Default values for the pvf tools
# --------------------------------
program pvf
# There are currently no defaults.
# Port specific configuration
# ---------------------------
# Here you can optionally set some of the previously set values to different
# ones for specific ports.
# E.g. we have a modem on port ttyS0
port ttyS0
# And we want it to answer after the first ring and only in data mode.
# So we would define:
# rings 1
# answer_mode data
# The commands are commented out, because I don't want to set some port
# specific defaults in this sample configuration file. I just want to
# show you how to do it.
# Now we set the values for the next port e.g. ttyS5
port ttyS5
# And so on for all ports in the system, that need special treatment.
# Ring type specific configuration
# --------------------------------
# Here you can optionally set some of the previously set values to different
# ones for specific ring types. The following ring types are possible:
# ring - for a normal ring
# ring1 - for distinctive ring number 1
# ring2 - for distinctive ring number 2
# ring3 - for distinctive ring number 3
# ring4 - for distinctive ring number 4
# ring5 - for distinctive ring number 5
# virtual - for a virtual ring (kill -USR1 <mgetty pid>)
# button - if someone pressed the data/voice button on the modem
# Note: The current mgetty implementation maps the data/voice button
# event to a virtual ring event.
# Note: ISDN MSNs will be mapped to distinctive rings in the future.
# E.g. we want to answer the modem on a virtual ring with answer
# mode "fax:data".
ring_type virtual
answer_mode fax:data
# Or e.g. we have one modem and want to answer with voice on a normal
# ring and with fax:data on distinctive ring1.
ring_type ring
# rings 6
# answer_mode voice
ring_type ring1
# rings 1
# answer_mode fax:data
# The commands are commented out, because I don't want to set some ring
# specific defaults in this sample configuration file. I just want to
# show you how to do it.
# Note: Setting the number of rings will have no effect until the mgetty
# to vgetty interface is changed.
# Note: If you have one modem and distinctive ring, you can simply define
# the answer mode directly in this file for the different rings. If you
# have more than one modem and you want them to react different on the same
# type of ring, you have to define rings and answer_mode as pointers to
# files. E.g.
# ring_type ring
# rings /etc/rings/ring
# answer_mode /etc/answer/ring
# ring_type ring1
# rings /etc/rings/ring1
# answer_mode /etc/answer/ring1
# and so on. Now you can set up a different number of rings and answer modes
# by creating the files:
# /etc/rings/ring - for the default value
# /etc/rings/ring.ttyS0 - for the value for device ttyS0
# /etc/rings/ring.ttyS1 - for the value for device ttyS1
# And the same way you can set the answer modes.