Credits for vgetty
The following people helped me with vgetty. I'm sure this list isn't complete yet, so don't hesitate to write me, who's missing.
* Klaus Weidner <>
The whole vgetty project was started by Klaus. He developed and maintained it until mid of February 1995. Then he had to stop working on vgetty for time reasons.
* Jens Adner <Jens.Adner@Wirtschaft.TU-Ilmenau.DE>
Updated driver UMC modems.
* Franco Bellagamba <>
Suggestions and patches for the voice shell script code.
* Jose Carlos Benfati <>
Porting the USR code to the modems that report 3366 to the ATI command.
* Luke Bowker <>
Hardwaredriver for Sierra modems.
* Ard van Breemen <>
Hardwaredriver for Rockwell modems and various patches.
* Danny Brigance <>
Added config file option to set user, group and permission for recorded voice files.
* Lupe Christoph <>
Fixes for the ZyXEL 2864 driver.
* Jutta Degener <>
and the Communications and Operating Systems Research Group at the TU Berlin for their public GSM library, that is used in vgetty.
* Mitch DSouza <>
First version of a hardwaredriver for Cirrus Logic modems.
* Torsten Duwe <>
Second converter version for the Rockwell voice format.
* Mark P. Edwards <>
First version of USR GSM converters.
* Henk Elbers <>
Dialog script to playback received messages.
* Fritz Elfert <>
The developer and author of the ISDN4Linux driver.
* Stefan Froehlich <>
The original author of the Elsa Microlink driver.
* Wolfram Gloger <>
Added do_hard_flow and do_message_light options to config file.
Fixed missing delay in voice_write.
* Karlo Gross <>
The new developer of the Elsa Microlink driver and the .wav converter.
* Thomas Hellstroem <>
The new developer of the US Robotics driver.
* Gregor Hoffleit <>
Patches to compile vgetty under NeXTstep.
* Peter Hofmann <>
Patches for USR Sportster and internal microphone support for vm.
* Ulrich Homann <>
Hardwaredriver for the UMC Phonemaster and small fixes.
* Scott Hutton <>
Perlscript to convert GSM data to the Sun .au format.
* Peter Jaeckel <>
Author of the current Rockwell voice format converter. This is the first version, that produces identical output to the DOS executables available from for Rockwell modems. Many suggestions and bug fixes for the pvf tools.
* Rob Johnson <>
Added 4bps decompression to rockwell.c and automatic compression method detection for the first converter version from Torsten Duwe.
* Russell King <>
Hardware driver for Multitech modems.
* Mizser Krisztian <>
Documentation for the voice shell commands.
* Francois Magnan <>
Compatibility patches to compile vgetty under NeXTSTEP.
* Russ Nelson <>
Many suggestions and bug fixes.
* Luca Olivetti <>
Support for raw gsm data and bug fixes for the USR driver.
* Pascal <>
For mailing me the dutch version of the voice command set of the Dolphin modems and the information for my autodetection routines.
* Bjarne Pohlers <>
New driver for Linux ISDN.
* Luigi Rizzo <>
First conversion program for the Rockwell voice format. Many suggestions and bug fixes.
* Marc Schaefer <>
A couple of patches for vgetty at different places and the voicemail system mvm.
* Eckehard Schulze <>
Mailed me a Dr. Neuhaus Cybermod modem to write and maintain a hardware driver for it.
* Martin Seine <>
The first developer and author of the ZyXEL 2864 driver.
* Hitesh K. Soneji <>
Updated the Cirrus Logic hardware driver to the new internal vgetty interface.
* Paul Stewart <>
ADPCM and GSM converter for the US Robotics modems.
* F. Xavier Surbezy <>
Wrote the vgetty beginners guide.
* Vladimir Turin <>
Bugfixes for the shell script code.
* Joshua D Wilmes <>
Great help in debugging the shell script code.
* Steve Wormley <>
Mailed me the first version of the US Robotics hardware driver.
* Jamie Zawinski <>
Many suggestions and bug fixes including ANSI C compatibility.
* Thomas Ziegler <> script for handling the DATA/VOICE button on ZyXEL 1496 modems.
$Id: credits.html,v 1.1 1998/06/14 23:04:58 griz Exp $